I am a Self-Empowerment Coach & Mentor with boundless enthusiasm and energy, who is motivated by my passion for human potential. My purpose in life is to support not only clients, but also friends and family, to live their best, happiest, most successful, meaningful and fulfilling life possible. Whatever that means for them.
Working in a flexible, responsive way I bring a powerful mixture of intuitive wisdom, life experience, training and professional certification to enable you to achieve physical, emotional, mental and spiritual alignment so that you can let go of what is holding you back, allow your true self to emerge and start living the life you really deserve.
Havening Techniques® is one of a powerful combination of methodologies I will bring to our sessions that form the heart of co-created transformational and generative change. Change that happens naturally and organically. Together with the wisdom and practice of Mindfulness, Meditation, NLP, Compassion and mBraining, I will help you learn how to reconnect with what is important to you in this precious incarnation of human life.
A deceptively simple yet effectively powerful process, Havening Techniques® can permanently clear the emotional distress of past events, often within just one session. It will also help you shift your relationship to current difficulties or unhelpful emotions that are impacting on the quality of your life, so that you have a strong foundation upon which, together, we can build your resilience; your sense of connection to yourself and your future.
I am a former Lawyer turned Self-Empowerment Coach and Mentor; Speaker; published UK Author of ‘Climb your S.T.A.I.R.™ of Self-Confidence’ and co-authored international book ‘Legacy – the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in Action’; and Creator of the ‘Spirit Level Success™ System – Six Secrets of Self-Esteem’.
If you feel like you’re ready to move from overwhelm, struggle and stress to calm, clarity and success and you’d like to connect, please email me to book your free 20 minute discovery call.